The Hoikugaku Kenkyu, Research on Early Childhood Care and Education in Japan, is a biannual academic journal of JSRECCE. The publication of JSRECCE journal started in 1963. The name of the journal was originally the Hoikugaku Nenpo, Annual Report of Early Childhood Care and Education, and was renamed in 1991. In 2014 the 52nd issue of Hoikugaku Kenkyu was published.
JSRECCE mission is to advance the interests and overall well-being of children by promoting the members’ interaction and cooperation through research. JSRECCE also aims to promote the prosperity of the Early Childhood Care and Education field and generate mutual benefits to all members. To achieve the aims JSRECCE has contributed to early childhood care and education in collaboration with researchers and practitioners in Japan since its foundation 65 years ago.
The Hoikugaku Kenkyu, Research on Early Childhood Care and Education in Japan covers a wide-range of research.
Subjects include:
■ Important basic knowledge and information on childcare practices regarding development and play of children
■ Childcare programs, curriculums, and methodologies for practitioners
■ Contexts of childcare practices regarding childcare history and policies
■ Home education and education for childcare workers
■ Current urgent issues including the unification of kindergartens with daycare, child-rearing supports, and multicultural childcare
■ Support for families with special needs
■ Parenting counseling services regarding lifestyle habit improvement, nutrition/diet education, etc.
The main purpose of the JSRECCE journal is to address the interaction of families and professionals to advance the quality of early childhood education and care supporting the lives of young children. With this view, JSRECCE Hoikugaku Kenkyu provides significant contributions to academic professionals.